Friday, December 27, 2019

The Architectural Structure Of Artificial Intelligence Essay

The architectural structure of Artificial intelligence is the notion to present how the mind functions at its level of abstraction. In effect, this leads to the concept of GOFAI to demonstrate how the mind takes in information, and outputs a response. However, GOFAI has become an unsatisfactory portrayal of human cognition, because it demonstrates itself to be nothing more than a system that manipulates symbols (Dreyfus, ppXXI). For GOFAI turns behaviours and knowledge into a formal script, but lacks the essential aspect of epistemology. For GOFAI doesn t create opinions, nor does it desire to justify its database of information. Rather, it abides by the rules that are written in its programming, in the presumption it’s data is true. For the epistemological notion of creating, obtaining, and justifying knowledge is a natural aspect of the cognition, and is an essential property of the human intellect. Moreover, the concept of Connectionism, demonstrates itself to be a better a rchetype of the mind, in explaining how the brain functions, and learns. For the theory of Connectionism isn’t limited to being a symbol manipulator, rather it simulates the functionality of the brain, by replicating its neural structure of how it processes information. Arguably, Connectionism is a better representation of the mind, because it doesn t limit the cognition as a symbol manipulator, in how it demonstrates the notion of learning and retention of knowledge by simulating the neural structureShow MoreRelatedThe Dangers Of Artificial Intelligence1701 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Whoever perceives that robots and artificial intelligence are merely here to serve humanity, think again. 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It means adding the fourth dimension (Time element), which helps to analyze the implementation Timeline that leads to avoid difficulties, or problemsRead MoreA Design Strategy For Mixed Mode System1673 Words   |  7 Pagestest our new methods for evaluating mixed mode buildings. †¢ project and the 4+2 architecture program at Thammasat University. In most of developed countries such as the USA and Japan, the 4+2 program represents the trend of today’s and future architectural education deling with mixed mode and ventilation buildings . Many non-residential buildings in the second half of the 20th century and later were designed to be sealed envelopes heated or cooled with centralized HVAC systems. These buildings wereRead More4g Communication22481 Words   |  90 Pages†¢ Traditionally, wireless systems were considered as an auxiliary approach that was used in regions where it was difficult to build a connection by wire line. †¢ 1G was based on analogy technique and deployed in the 1980s. It built the basic structure of mobile communications and solved many fundamental problems, e.g. cellular architecture adopting, multiplexing frequency band, roaming across domain, non-interrupted communication in mobile circumstances, etc. Speech chat was the only service ofRead MoreTechnology and Its Impact on Society2160 Words   |  9 Pageseach invention is annexed with the need of betterment and transmogrification. Newer and newer advances are happening All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane, the automobile, the computer - says little about his intelligence, but speaks volumes about his laziness. Mark Kennedy by the day. Technological change is in large part responsible for many of the secular trends in such basic parameters of the human condition as the size of the world population, life expectancy

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Advertisement Analysis Red Bull - 1190 Words

There are many different advertisements out their in the world today. From buses and billboards to You Tube, Face book, and Twitter, they surround us and are scene every day. There are also so many different kinds of advertisements that are for cars, drinks, foods, restaurants, schools, sports, music, and etc. But the advertisements that gets my attention the most is Red Bull. The reason for that is because they have so much action in their commercials and so many different kinds of sports that you would never actually realize how hard it is. Red Bull also sponsors people’s favorite athletes that they are today like Rajon Rondo, Blake Griffin, and Ryan Sheckler. The commercials make you want to go out and buy a Red Bull. From†¦show more content†¦In terms of market share, Red Bull is the most popular energy drink in the world, with 114.5 billion cans sold each year.† Also Red Bull has so many different kinds of sports that are sponsored by them. The have action sports, adventure sports,aerial sports, athletic sports, and motors sports. Action sports are BMX, surfing, skateboarding, wake boarding, FMX, skiing, snowboarding, and mountain biking. Then adventure sports are like hiking and diving. Then aerial sports is an example of when Felix Baumgrtner â€Å"jumped from 128,100 feet above the Earth for the Red Bull Stratos mission, Felix Baumgartner broke the speed of sound after 34 seconds of free fall, ultimately accelerating to as high as 833.9 mph, or mach 1.24.†(Felix Baumgartner, Red, Aerial Sports) Then athletic sports are basketball, baseball, football, lacrosse and etc. Then the last kind of sports are the motocross sports and that’s like NASCAR, car or truck racing, four wheeling, ski mobilising and etc. This just shows how many different kinds of sports are sponsored by Red Bull and how much money and successful they are. While there are so many advertisement s out there in the world today only some are actually successful. There are some that are better than others, its just about what kind of people the advertisement is trying to get its intention. You will never see a guy looking at girls lotion advertisements. Also you will never see a girl look throw a guys body wash advertisement.Show MoreRelatedAnalysis of Commercial Advertisement Essay examples1639 Words   |  7 PagesAnalysis of Commercial Advertisement Television commercials are television programming produced by any organisation to provide message in the market about their product or services. It is one of the most popular methods to attract customer and provide them information about their products or services. Here we would be analysing TV commercial to understand it and its effects and whether it is proving for what it are made. We have heard a very common slogan named as â€Å"RedBulls Gives You Wings†. ItRead MoreA Swot Analysis Of Red Bull1466 Words   |  6 Pagesimprove the strategy of Red Bull in the United Kingdom over the next 20 years, it will be reasonable to consider a SWOT analysis of the company within its industry, then funnel it to a PEST analysis within the given nation, UK. This way, using Porter’s 5 Forces to back up its influence within the given market can better support it. Therefore, constructing four scenarios based on 2 independent factors will be feasible. SWOT Analysis Strengths: †¢ Market Leader – Red Bull maintains its lead as theRead MoreRed Bull Environmental Scan1129 Words   |  5 PagesRed Bull’s popularity and status as the number one energy drink in the market reflects the importance allocated to marketing. The company’s hegemony in the energy drink industry is a reflection of their adherence to a multifaceted strategic management plan that considers the imperativeness of environmental factors. As competition increases, companies strive to differentiate themselves through common shared principles to retain customers. In the case of Red Bull and their annual sales of â€Å"4,204 billionRead MoreBull Case Study Analysis : External Analysis Of Red Bull1097 Words   |  5 PagesBA4302 Red Bull Case Analysis External Analysis Political Factors: These include indirect or direct political factors affecting Red Bull. Among others are government instability, markets’ bureaucracy, corruption levels, the function and freedom of press, protectionism measures of home market, and market lobbying initiatives. Red Bull endeavors to impact specific political factors and pertinent laws and regulations through its efforts of lobbying. For instance, the moment the FDA were ready for theRead MoreRed Bull Case Analysis1712 Words   |  7 PagesRed Bull Case Analysis Purpose: to provide the chain of strategies Red Bull used to develop their brand equity and global market dominance in the energy beverage industry. Target Market: Red Bull does not target to a specific demographic or psychographic. Its strategy is to reach to a relatively broad consumer base. The target is anyone who need energy boost to combat their mental and/or physical fatigue. Red Bull knows their consumer base mostly involves students, drivers, clubbers, businessRead MoreRed Bull Energy Drink1614 Words   |  7 PagesGives You Wiings 2. Contents * Executive Summary * SWOT Analysis * Promotion Opportunity Analysis * Corporate Strategies * Integrated Marketing Communications Management * Media Plan * Evaluation amp; Control 3. Executive Summary * Red Bull can be called as a pioneer in the energy drink category worldwide. In India too, Red Bull was the brand that created the energy drink category. * The brand cameRead MoreRed Bull993 Words   |  4 PagesRed bull is the worlds oldest and most successful energy drink brands. In 1966, Red Bull was born in Thailand as a kind of vitamin energy drink, and then Austrian entrepreneur  Dietrich Mateschitz  was inspired by this pre-existing energy drink and took this idea, modified the ingredients to suit the tastes of westerners. Now it has more than 40 years of history so far with excellent quality and good reputation, Red Bull drinks are sold in more than 140 countries and regions around the world, rankRead MoreThe Brand Identity Of Red Bull1293 Words   |  6 PagesStrengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats The Brand Identity of Red Bull is an identity of energy, boldness, adrenaline and movement. Action sports, competitions and youthful vigor are the core of how Red Bull presents itself as a brand. Everything is done on a large scale. Their media content is top quality, they sponsor star athletes and they deliver the most incremental dollar sales to the energy-drink category (CSPnet, 2011). Red Bull maintains an identity of excelling the norms, such as when theyRead MoreRed Bull By Functional Beverages From The Far East1386 Words   |  6 PagesRed bull Inspired by functional beverages from the Far East, Dietrich Mateschitz founded Red Bull in the mid 1980 s. He created the formula of Red Bull Energy Drink and developed the unique marketing concept of Red Bull. Currently, Red Bull is available in more than 167 countries and around 50 billion cans of Red Bull have been consumed so far. In terms of further expansion, Red Bull is targeting the core market of the USA and growth markets in the Far East, while also focusing on the continuedRead MoreThe Drink Is Not The Point1289 Words   |  6 PagesThe Drink Is Not The Point†¦ †¦this is my concise evaluation of the Red Bull brand summed up in one line. However, what follows is a slightly more in-depth analysis of how, in just 17 years, this has come to be the case. Of how Red Bull has come to be asked for by name in every pub/bar/club worldwide. Of how a-list celebrities are photographed drinking Red Bull in those pubs/bars/clubs worldwide. Of how Red Bull has acquired most of the top athletes in most of the extreme sports as well as from numerous

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Challenges to Project Cost Estimation

Question: Discuss about the Challenges to Project Cost Estimation. Answer: Project managers should identify every cost connected with the project actions and make the entire budget while estimating costs. In essence, the project manager should aim at developing a real budget through accurate cost estimation. In the contemporary project management field, managers encounter various challenges when it comes to approximating the project costs (Dumrak, 2016). First, getting the neutral point between approximating too high, and low costs. Usually, most top executives who are stakeholders would like to get approximate cost right away, in that the project commences in time. It is, therefore, difficult to estimate costs accurately due to short period available. Secondly, as a project manager, it is challenging to find out all the necessary resources alongside with their budget in every project step during the project execution process. Some of the costs can be tangible or intangible. The intangible costs are not limited to loss of activities, and interruption especi ally in the manufacturing sector. The tangible costs include infrastructure, staffing, maintenance, among others (Dumrak, 2016). While ensuring that cost estimation is accurate, there are techniques and tools that aid in project cost estimation. The summary below shows particular cost techniques/tools, their description, pros/cons, their application as well as accuracy. Technique/Tools description Accuracy/ Merits and Demerits Parametric estimating A more error free estimate is created through analyzing the historical data and statistical data. (Project Cost Estimating Tools Techniques, n.d.) Error free and fast approximation. It is highly recommended to if alike projects have been undertaken at earlier time because a formula is applied on historical data. Three-point estimates The technique gives three situations such as pessimistic, optimistic and the most likely to get an estimate cost range. Relatively accurate because it takes into consideration uncertainties of the costs. It is established on the previous and current knowledge and so, it can be subjective. More work is done because the entire three estimates should be given (Project Cost Estimating Tools Techniques, n.d.) Project management estimating software Involves utilizing simulations, statistical processing tools, and software applications (Project Cost Estimating Tools Techniques, n.d.). Multiple approximations can be done, fast, and error free. Accuracy depends entirely on the accuration of the data used. It should be known that estimates are made based on the data collected at a particular period of time. Therefore, a WBS to be used should contain every particular task for best accuracy. References Dumrak, J. (2016).PROJ6002: Project Planning and Budgeting,module 4 notes [Powerpoint slides]. Retrieved from Project Cost Estimating Tools Techniques.(n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.project-

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Touch Wood By Rene Roth-Hano Touch Wood Is Based On The Authors Ow Ess

"Touch Wood" by Ren?e Roth-Hano ?Touch Wood? is based on the author?s own life when she was growing as a Jewish girl during the German invasion of France. In 1940, Ren?e and her family were living in Alsace, France, where nothing ever changed. No one expected anything unusual to happen. Then one day, a war with Germany is announced on the radio. The Germans wanted to annex Alsace and forced the Jews to leave. France was split into two zones- the Free Zone and the German occupied zone. Ren?e?s father chose for them to move to Paris, because it is a big city where he can find work, and also because Ren?e?s mother has childhood friends there. So, Ren?e, her parents, her two younger sisters, and their blind grandmother move into a crowded apartment in the German-occupied zone. Ren?e was disappointed in Paris when she arrived. She finds that everything seems to be smaller in Paris. Eventually, her new neighborhood becomes more of a home and helps Ren?e to miss Alsace a little less . Ren?e?s parents had left Poland and then Hungary to find a freer, better life. They settled in France and thought they?d be safe. Then Adolf Hitler, a German man who hated Jewish people, started trouble all over again. First, seven synagogues were blown up. Then, the Germans created a curfew prohibiting Jews to go during certain hours. Any Jew caught in the street after curfew would be taken as hostage. Also, all Jewish people must wear a Star of David on their shirts. An ordinance is created requiring all Jewish firms to be registered. Then the Jewish are forbidden to go to most public places, and they are only allowed an hour to grocery shop. Suddenly, their family?s Jewish neighbors are being taken away one by one. Ren?e?s family becomes fearful. At one point, they have to hide from the police. Ren?e?s parents decide to take action. They have friends who know Mother Superior. They send Ren?e and her sisters to a Catholic residence in Normandy until the war is over. Thei r father emphasizes for them not to tell anyone that they are Jewish. When they arrive in Normandy, they find a cozy bedroom, appetizing meals, and friendly people. Ren?e has to deal with a nosy housekeeper, who could possibly uncover their secret. Ren?e and her sisters love their new school, which is much more spacious and modern than the one in Paris. Ren?e?s main concern is confusion over her religious identity. They must convert to Catholicism to perfect their disguise. Their parents have given permission for Ren?e and her sisters to be baptized and to take their first communion. They decide to pray to the Catholic god to make the war end soon, to help the French and their Allies win the war, and to protect the Jews. Ren?e becomes worried when she hears about the bombing of Paris, but she was relieved to hear that her parents were not affected. Then thirty young girls come from Paris to live in the residency where Mother Superior feels they will enjoy the fresh air and w ill be able to eat better than they did in Paris. Ren?e?s life during the war was full of illnesses. First, her sisters and her suffer from scabies, a contagious disease that their doctor says he?s only seen in animals. When their mother comes to visit them, she must cut Ren?e?s hair because of the nits in it. Then Ren?e is sick in bed for a month with jaundice. It was a miracle that she recovered from it. Because her body wasn?t very resistant after recovering from jaundice, Ren?e became infected with impetigo. Somehow she managed to overcome all of her illnesses. In 1944, the wine market being used by the Germans to store ammunition is bombed by the Allies. The fire spreads to several surrounding houses. Then the residence where they are living is bombed. They must flee their home. A farmer volunteers for them to live in his barn until they are safe. German soldiers are very close to the barn, for they can hear the troops singing. The bombshells are coming from the Germans , who refuse to surrender, and

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

A Discussion of Obamacare free essay sample

Over the course of my paper I shall discuss the piece of legislation known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, more informally known as Obamacare. The issue currently debated with this piece of legislature focuses on its constitutionality, its purpose as a tax hike, and whether or not it should be passed. Is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act unconstitutional? From what I have studied in the article â€Å"Is Obamacare unconstitutional? †, at debatetopics. net, and from what I know of the act, I would say that it is certainly unconstitutional. Does the act serve as a tax hike? According to â€Å"Voters consider ObamaCare a tax hike, poll shows† at foxnews. com, it does. Should the Patient Protection and Affordable Care act be passed? From everything I have learned of the act and from what knowledge I have gained from â€Å"Patterson: State leaders should refuse to allow Obamacare to localize† at masnbc. We will write a custom essay sample on A Discussion of Obamacare or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page com, I personally would not allow the act to pass. The act is unconstitutional as it was passed under a false premise. It was upheld as constitutional by justifying the individual mandate as a tax. However, it would never have been passed if it had been upfront in regards to creating a new personal tax. The means used to justify the act as constitutional are inconsistent with the original wording of the bill and therefore unconstitutional. The act is also passed under a false premise as it creates a new tax and is therefore a tax bill. Those living in the country illegally are exempt from buying health insurance and get it for free. Those individuals who are currently considered â€Å"entitled† and receive government aid are also exempt. These illegal immigrants and entitled persons will receive free healthcare and the rest of the country will have to pay for it. The act is also unconstitutional in regards to the individual mandate itself. It is not up to the government to make its citizens purchase health insurance, nor should they pay for the health insurance of others. It is up to no other person to give a given individual anything. There should never a case in which one group of people is forced to care for others because those others refuse to do anything with themselves and their lives. The act is clearly unconstitutional as it forces the average United States citizen to purchase a service from a private firm or be penalized for not doing so. The fine attached to not purchasing health insurance is also only considered constitutional under Congress power to tax. A main way of denying Obamacare is to refuse to establish state-level health exchanges. Exchanges are basically government sanctioned cartels where only a few government approved insurers can sell government approved health insurance, including all subsidies, exemptions and mandates that they apply. When agreeing to establish an exchange, a given state agrees to operate a massive government program which would be run according to federal rules and mandates. The federal government would control the doctors and providers allowed, the health insurance plans and benefits, the subsidies and exemptions. The state would do the work of the federal government and bear the cost of the program and would also act as an IRS enforcer as it would be required to give the names and taxpayer identification numbers of people who have changed employers and lost coverage as well as those who have terminated their coverage or simply choose not to purchase insurance. On top of all of this, the state would be responsible for enforcing the individual mandate. Overall, the Patient Protection and affordable care act is unconstitutional, serves a tax hike and should not be passed under any circumstance. Bibliography: â€Å"Is Obamacare Unconstitutional? †,2012, â€Å"Voters consider ObamaCare a tax hike, poll shows†,2012, â€Å" Patterson: State leaders should refuse to allow Obamacare to localize†,2012,

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Diversity of the Leisure Industry Essays

The Diversity of the Leisure Industry Essays The Diversity of the Leisure Industry Essay The Diversity of the Leisure Industry Essay This table shows the North of England participate in more reading, singing (13% compared to 10% in E England), dancing (11% compared to 10% in E England) and painting (12% compared to 9% in E England) than the East of England. This shows that the North of England has more creative tendencies. The only activity that is the same for both regions is watching TV at 99%  The East of England has many historical activities to participate in, such as abbeys, monasteries, castles, cathedrals, museums, historic houses, gardens and manors, whereas the North of England has more sport-based activities such as golf-clubs, stadiums, climbing centres, and surf schools. North England also holds the Great North Run. The East of England also holds sporting activities, although these differ from North England sporting activities, for example, horse riding and adventure parks. There is a difference between parts of Britain and their participation in active leisure. 62% of people who live in Scotland participate in active leisure 58% of people who live in England participate in active leisure and 57% of people who live in Wales participate in active leisure.  In the UK, the top five most popular active leisure activities are walking (with over 40% of the population participating), swimming (with over 30% of the population participating), keep-fit/yoga (with over 20% of the population participating), cycling (with over 20% of the population participating) and cue games (with over 18% of the population participating) The top 3 most popular passive activities in the UK are watching TV (with over 99% of the population participating), listening to the radio (with over 88% of the population participating) and reading books (with over 62% of the population participating).  Summary  The UK and Russia have very different climates and cultures, so therefore their leisure activities are also very different. Russia is a keen sporting country, successful in sports such as boxing and ice-skating, a sport which could rarely be done in the UK due to its climate. The UKs most popular sport is football, but also participates in rugby, cricket, tennis and golf. Russian residents also enjoy watching the theatre, whereas the UK has been more influential in the cinema.  Russia holds many celebratory events such as Music Spring, an international music festival, White Nights, where the last 10 days of June are celebrated with merriness and staying up late. A film festival is also held in odd-numbered years. A popular event is the Russian Winter Festival, celebrated in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Novgorod, from late December to early January. In the UK, the events are Guy Fawkes Night, Christmas, New Years, Halloween, St. Georges Day, St. Davids Day and various music festivals, such as Glastonbury.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Americans Constitutional Rights for Privacy Research Paper

Americans Constitutional Rights for Privacy - Research Paper Example American’s Constitutional Rights for Privacy The â€Å"war on terror† was introduced by George W Bush, which offered more power and authority to US intelligence agencies as the surveillance has become an acknowledged mechanism to assist in thwarting terrorist attacks in the near future. US government claimed that war on terrorism , and the enactment of Patriot Act are mainly intended to safeguard USA and its citizens from the future terrorist attack or to avert another 9/11 type attack. The main aim of the NSA (National Security Agency) of USA is to gather intelligence data and information so as to carryout national operation for foreign intelligence. SIGINT is the signal intelligence which involves collection data from foreign intelligence agencies, for helping missions carried over by the US government which includes narcotic and crime deterrence, military missions, foreign diplomacy, etc. The FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act 1978) controls the gathering of foreign intelligence data and it covers wiretapping, electronic eavesdropping, physical ingress by intelligence agents and trap/ pen orders. Before eavesdropping, intelligence agency has to obtain a warrant from the FISA court (Carmen 2012). Whistle blowing against US government is not a new phenomenon. Earlier, in 1971, Daniel Ellsberg exposed how the US public had been hoodwinked about Vietnam War. Julian Assange leaked US documents about US’s engagement of war in Iraq and Afghanistan.