Thursday, December 19, 2019

Advertisement Analysis Red Bull - 1190 Words

There are many different advertisements out their in the world today. From buses and billboards to You Tube, Face book, and Twitter, they surround us and are scene every day. There are also so many different kinds of advertisements that are for cars, drinks, foods, restaurants, schools, sports, music, and etc. But the advertisements that gets my attention the most is Red Bull. The reason for that is because they have so much action in their commercials and so many different kinds of sports that you would never actually realize how hard it is. Red Bull also sponsors people’s favorite athletes that they are today like Rajon Rondo, Blake Griffin, and Ryan Sheckler. The commercials make you want to go out and buy a Red Bull. From†¦show more content†¦In terms of market share, Red Bull is the most popular energy drink in the world, with 114.5 billion cans sold each year.† Also Red Bull has so many different kinds of sports that are sponsored by them. The have action sports, adventure sports,aerial sports, athletic sports, and motors sports. Action sports are BMX, surfing, skateboarding, wake boarding, FMX, skiing, snowboarding, and mountain biking. Then adventure sports are like hiking and diving. Then aerial sports is an example of when Felix Baumgrtner â€Å"jumped from 128,100 feet above the Earth for the Red Bull Stratos mission, Felix Baumgartner broke the speed of sound after 34 seconds of free fall, ultimately accelerating to as high as 833.9 mph, or mach 1.24.†(Felix Baumgartner, Red, Aerial Sports) Then athletic sports are basketball, baseball, football, lacrosse and etc. Then the last kind of sports are the motocross sports and that’s like NASCAR, car or truck racing, four wheeling, ski mobilising and etc. This just shows how many different kinds of sports are sponsored by Red Bull and how much money and successful they are. While there are so many advertisement s out there in the world today only some are actually successful. There are some that are better than others, its just about what kind of people the advertisement is trying to get its intention. You will never see a guy looking at girls lotion advertisements. Also you will never see a girl look throw a guys body wash advertisement.Show MoreRelatedAnalysis of Commercial Advertisement Essay examples1639 Words   |  7 PagesAnalysis of Commercial Advertisement Television commercials are television programming produced by any organisation to provide message in the market about their product or services. It is one of the most popular methods to attract customer and provide them information about their products or services. Here we would be analysing TV commercial to understand it and its effects and whether it is proving for what it are made. We have heard a very common slogan named as â€Å"RedBulls Gives You Wings†. 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