Friday, May 15, 2020

Character Analysis Over Charles H. Spurgeon Essay example

In Warren W. Wiersbe’s book 50 People Every Christian Should Know Wiersbe says that â€Å"Perhaps one of the highest compliments anyone could pay a preacher would be to say that he preaches like Spurgeon.† Spurgeon is well respected for his powerful, moving, and God honoring sermons that he preached. Spurgeon is also known for the Church he had in London. When Charles Spurgeon would preach to people he would be called a many-sided individual. (Wiersbe141) This could mean Spurgeon was very practical from different aspects. That one man may understand Spurgeon for the reason that Spurgeon never attended a theology school, and God used Spurgeon so why can’t God use that man. While another man many learn better from the example of Spurgeon’s†¦show more content†¦(Spurgeon155) Spurgeon’s young character is exuberant and thrilled to serve God. Most people would think that this mindset never left him, and that Spurgeon was truly surrendering himse lf to God. While also in the mean time constantly humbling himself. Charles Spurgeon’s sermons were extremely well written and well preached. The sermons that Spurgeon wrote were wanted all around the country. In Our Baptist Heritage it talks about how 1855 Spurgeon began to publish his sermons, and the sermons continued to be published until 1917 when Spurgeon passed away. The biggest problem with Spurgeon’s sermons was that his Calvinistic theology upset some of his friends. He wasn’t †hyper† enough for one group and too Calvinistic for another. (Heritage5) One of Spurgeon’s close friends was named W.Y. Fullerton. Fullerton was an Assistant Pastor at the tabernacle and often preached when Spurgeon was away. Fullerton would help edit some of Spurgeon’s sermons that would go out for publication and would do so for several years. The two was so close it was hard to tell where the assistant edited anything, because Fullerton understood wh at Spurgeon wanted said. (Wiersbe142)Show MoreRelatedMacbeth9435 Words   |  38 Pagesinstead as the Scottish play. Over the course of many centuries, the play has attracted some of the most renowned actors to the roles of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. It has been adapted to film, television,  opera, novels, comic books, and other media. Contents   Ã‚  [hide]   * 1  Characters * 2  Plot * 3  Sources * 4  Date and text * 5  Themes and motifs * 5.1  Ambition * 5.2  Masculinity * 6  Analysis * 6.1  As a tragedy of character * 6.2  As a tragedy of moralRead MoreGambling a Bad Bet5057 Words   |  21 Pagesthe money back into the machine.† Scripture warns, â€Å"Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathered by labour shall increase† (Proverbs 13:11). Furthermore, â€Å"Treasures of wickedness profit nothing† (Proverbs 10:2). 3. In the final analysis, gambling is no better than robbery and fraud. It offers a set of false hopes to people with certain predispositions and is known to especially prey on those who can least afford to lose but who ultimately do just that. In that sense its end result

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